MidJourney 6.1免费体验:科幻影视最受欢迎5大经典人物设计线稿

AI快讯 2024-08-05

本文将使用MidJourney v6.1设计近20年科幻电影中最受欢迎的5大经典人物的线稿。

1.钢铁侠 (Iron Man) -  《钢铁侠》(Iron Man, 2008)

8kHD, white background, design blueprint style, rough black and white line drawing with red and gold color fills, movie character portrait, Iron Man, wearing Mark III armor, highlight details, with annotations and dimensions

8k高清分辨率,白色背景,设计蓝图风格,粗犷黑白线条勾勒主体,填充红色和金色,电影角色肖像, 钢铁侠,身穿马克3号战甲,  突出显示细节,带有注释和尺寸


2.阿凡达 (Avatar) -  《阿凡达》(Avatar, 2009)

8kHD, white background, design blueprint style, rough black and white line drawing with simple blue skin color fills, movie character portrait, Avatar, Na'vi, highlight details, with annotations and dimensions

8k高清分辨率,白色背景,设计蓝图风格,粗犷黑白线条勾勒主体,填充简单的蓝色皮肤,电影角色肖像, 阿凡达,纳威人,  突出显示细节,带有注释和尺寸


3.格鲁特 (Groot) -  《银河护卫队》(Guardians of the Galaxy, 2014)

8kHD, white background, design blueprint style, rough black and white line drawing with simple color fills, movie character portrait, Groot, tree-like form, highlight details, with annotations and dimensions

8k高清分辨率,白色背景,设计蓝图风格,粗犷黑白线条勾勒主体,填充简单的颜色,电影角色肖像, 格鲁特,树人形态,  突出显示细节,带有注释和尺寸


4.蜘蛛侠 (Spider-Man) -  《蜘蛛侠》(Spider-Man, 2002)

8kHD, white background, design blueprint style, rough black and white line drawing with red and blue color fills, movie character portrait, Spider-Man, highlight details, with annotations and dimensions

8k高清分辨率,白色背景,设计蓝图风格,粗犷黑白线条勾勒主体,填充红色和蓝色,电影角色肖像, 蜘蛛侠,  突出显示细节,带有注释和尺寸


5.金刚狼 (Wolverine) -  《X战警》(X-Men, 2000)

8kHD, white background, design blueprint style, rough black and white line drawing with yellow and blue color fills, movie character portrait, Wolverine, with claws extended, highlight details, with annotations and dimensions

8k高清分辨率,白色背景,设计蓝图风格,粗犷黑白线条勾勒主体,填充黄色和蓝色,电影角色肖像, 金刚狼,露出利爪,  突出显示细节,带有注释和尺寸


